Sunday 8 October 2017

Am I Really Worthless? (Silent Cry of Poor Souls)

All my life I tried..
Tried to make you happy..
To to meet up to your expectations..
Tried to be the perfect child.
All you did was compare
Compared me to the kid next door..
Compared me to the kid with better grades..
Compred me to the kid with a better job..
Compared me to whatever you thought was perfect.
Little did you realise that all you were doing was belittleing me.
Shattering my confidence and self worth.
Then one day you go on and call me worthless.
This world hit me like a sword in the heart. It permanently stamped my brain and stood like a flashing neon sign in the way of every goal.
Every time I wanted to or tried to do something, your worlds rung true.
I fear taking any step due to the mear consequences of your reaction.

To the parents out there who call their kids worthless, fat, ugly and a whole load of other things.. My question is "What or who gave you the right to judge?"
Just because you brought a person into the world, did it automatically give you the right to controll every aspect of your child's life?
Maybe when you call your kid worthless, fat, ugly and a whole load of other things, you don’t even realize it. It is your anger that is talking, but the funny thing is that you won't fremember anything when you're happy again. Fotrtunately or unfortunately your children won't forget. You don't expect it to matter but it does. Any thing you say hurts equally or even more each time you say it.
A cut in the same place may not hurt as much the next time and after that and even after that but words hurt no matter how many times they are said.

All the compliments you give your kids become like small china figures crushed by the ten-ton brick you dropped when you them worthless, fat, ugly and a whole load of other things.
Label are more psychologically and socially loaded than most parents seem to understand. These terms are usually applied when they are feeling frustrated, impatient, or critical with the children, which only makes it harder to bear.
If you were to call your kids worthless or anything of the like, they will remember that before they remember any kind compliment you gave them. Every time they do something good, they will think about how worthless they still are.

You think that by giving birth you got what we call "Power"?. The power to do and say what you feel is right.
Who has the power?
A father who constantly unleashes on his child, impugns or hurts his child wants only one thing.
A mother who constantly berates, nags, punishes, or hurts her child wants only one thing.
And, the child who talks, fights or pushes back wants only one thing.
They all want the power.

Parents wish to control everything in their children's life. They want to make their child the way they think is best and do the things they think are best. They want their children to be successful in whatever way they believe success is achieved. They make  their child  believe whatever they believe and, try to teach them the lessons that they believe need to be learned. They try to mold their kids into the kind of people they believe their kids should be
They force respect, love and some form of a relationship.

Love, care and respect, can it be forced?
Maybe it can be faked.
It can never be forced.

You think your child deserves everything you always hand out to him/her. Are you aware that your child, deep down, believes he/she is really trying? I’m guessing not

You shatter their self worth and then expect them to be normal. They are humans not machines that what ever command you will input it will give you the desired results.
Input a bad commanf and you get the wrong output.
Then dont complain why my child got into the wrong practices or company.
The words you said let to this.
If we kids dont get love, respect, care and whatever else it is, go go look for it else where and then you complain
You are the ones who brought is to this stage.

Raise a human not a well trained dog scared or a slave scared of it's master

A relationship between a child and his/ her parents is one of the purest and most loving. Dont make it anything else.

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Am I Really Worthless? (Silent Cry of Poor Souls)

All my life I tried.. Tried to make you happy.. To to meet up to your expectations.. Tried to be the perfect child. But, All you d...