Wednesday 27 September 2017

Being Human

Have we ever thought to be human enough?
If we did what criteria did we set of ourselves being a human?

Whenever I sit alone my mind leaps out of the present and thinks of what to come but mostly it revolves around me. What am I going to do myself, what will I get if do this and that? But sometimes yet very rare during these selfish moments my thoughts leap out of being me for myself and gets into me for others. During such a time I judged myself being a human. I thought of me yet I have this very feeling that most of us less or more fall within the same category 
Literature defines Humanity as the quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence. Some of us say if others are safe from our evil that is what makes us human. Others think that having mind which evaluates the past and plans about future, the soul which defines us being human and having knowledge which defines us for being human.  What matters is whether to look human is more important or to feel human. Having knowledge and advancement is not what makes us human. It is very narrow definition of humanity unless we practice what it means humanity.

 On the authority of Abu Hamza Anas Ibn Maalik, the servant of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), from the Prophet (peace be upon him) who said, "None of you [truly] believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." [Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

We all  watch this old lady beside the road stretching her arms to every passing by vehicle and person for a couple of coins yet lots and lots of us not even care to look at her face, pale yellow skin, wrinkled face each of them is a story of triumph. We watch this miserable mother holding her child in arms and waiting for the traffic signal to get red so she could run to maximum vehicles and gather something to feed her child. The Young boy showing his arm or leg either wounded or not that at all with this very hope of us to help him with some money. We all have hundreds of logic not to care about them. These are just actors, they have this habit of begging, this people are even richer than us but they are use to this and they can’t stop themselves doing so. These are a couple of reasons for not helping them. 

Have we ever thought if Allah sets His criteria to bless us the way we do, what would happen to us? How many of us deserve the blessings of Allah? Yet the greatest blessing of Allah to mankind is kindness and love which is the very quality of Allah. He is the most merciful and kind than why can’t we be merciful and kind too. The way he blesses us without categorizing us for our deeds, why can’t we stretch our arms for his beings without doing this mathematics whether they deserve or not. 

Humanity in its very essence is love and being to define me as us. It will flourish and enrich if we will be true to our soul not this cage of bones and flash we got. We will have no shame to smile at the weakest and to stand strong in front of the cruel. It’s when we will bend and walk with the cripple. We will smile at the foolishness of people because they are the one who makes us clever. We make your life followed with principles, it’s not that we can’t, the seed is in we all we need is to cultivate it. We stop being numbed with the lie of rich and take a while to listen to the cry of the poor. We leave the thought of being me and think as us for all human being. 

That is when we can have these fireworks of happiness in your heart and we won’t need them in the air.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is a concept of there being a gang of begges. What is your take on that?
Another thing is that we are told that when someone asks in the name of Allah we shoukd give him but what making this way a habit?

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