Monday 25 September 2017

Life in Darkness

“You are in a small underground chamber, no bigger than a prison cell. The door is locked and the lights are switched off. It is not just dark; it's pitch black” 

     The feeling of being isolated is not just the end, it’s more like being casted away or being under deep waters with having pressure of the darkness tearing your skin and squeezing the senses of being you. Even in the extremes of darkness there is exists the light of knowledge which urges one to reach his creator whose presence is felt at the very darkness. Being in the darkness has fears of its own but having the darkness inside is much more fearful. It is when you can’t even feel the very existence of your fellow being and the Creator.

       “There is darkness inside all of us, though mine is more dangerous than most. Still, we all have it—that part of our soul that is irreparably damaged by the very trials and tribulations of life. We are what we are because of it, or perhaps in spite of it. Some use it as a shield to hide behind, others as an excuse to do unconscionable things. But, truly, the darkness is simply a piece of the whole, neither good nor evil unless you make it so. It took a witch, a war, and voodoo queen to teach me that.”
 ― Jenna Maclaine, Bound By Sin

       Being in dark room may either benefit or cause trouble to one individually but having this darkness inside reaches out to the masses with variety of faces. He feels nothing of life, any respect, any love but depression and hollowness. At such times of he leaves the boundaries of being human and acts more like vicious animals. That is where man joys to terror other beings, feels no value of life and the difference between wrong or right. 

Living a life beyond light
With darkness to pattern my fate
Feelings left aside
Left with despair and nothing but hate
Left To witness
The final fall of mankind
 No outcome of existence

Could any human, in fact, endure such total sensory deprivation without losing their sanity?
More important to know is the events which leads this darkness inside man. Beside literary terms the young generation is at the edge to divert from sin to stray with the slightest hurdles of life. Allah has kept man to test for his will and conscious. No one is fated to avoid hardships and struggles of life. Sometimes things happen which shakes us to our very core.  Life is to be felt and experienced in its purest form, one need to accept the very taste of life. Without wins and losses life is not even near to its basic definition. Yet the new generation in particular consider themselves in darkness owing to a couple of failures yet they don’t understand that “Through Darkness Comes Light, Through Fear Comes Love and Through Pain Comes Triumph

      Followed by a couple of questions we start asking our self to be the only victim of fate and with the passage of time we started blaming our fate and the society. Ultimately, most of us overwhelmed by the desire of taking revenge from our self and the world. The outcomes are very obvious, either ending up with our lives or being the part of evil souls who live with the only wish to keep terrorizing other human souls. Having had two brain hemorrhages, I know what it is like to be lost in the abyss of darkness with no slither of hope of any light shining through. There always is a way to come out of a tunnel if your look for it. Even if it is not physical no one can stop you to let your conscious to move out of your darkness and fly to the lights. 
       As said “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” has a very obvious meaning in it that all that hardships you have gone through n your life are not to bury you inside yourself but to let you emerge with a greater objective for your life. All you need is to set your way when you have no choices left but either to give up or tap to the inner source about which you are not even aware about.

         What we don’t realize is that these struggles are a gift from life itself. When we come face to face with a struggle, a low point in life, be it an illness, a relationship breakdown or financial ruin, at the time we are lost in darkness.

        Through darkness comes light, through fear comes love and through pain comes triumph.This is the triumph of the human spirit; it is not in a select few, it is in every one of us.

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